Saturday, July 18, 2009

finally got my hands on these....

thanks for the trip to KINO angah ;)

ayah blanjer *yeah* book version of course ;)

and a book for preggy's, "BUKU LENGKAP PENJAGAAN IBU & ANAK" by Elizabeth Fenwick.

Aku tak tipu, seriyes lengkap duhh!
the author even included a VERY CLEAR IMAGE of a baby coming out from the mother's toot! even my husband dok terasa2 sakit kat situ ^_^" hahahahahahah

cant wait for my 2nd ultrasound!


~$.!~ said...

buku laskar pelangi tu dah berbulan aku dpt tp tak abis2 baca lg... siap complete 4 buku lak tu, dlm indonesian... ntah pesal mood membaca tu gone with the wind...

wynn said...

tula, aku perasan gak laskar pelangi actually comes in 4 complete set.. tp tak mampu laei laa nk boli ^_^"

.... aku rase ko penat kje ni, itu psl bile ade free time je ko akan habeskan mase untuk rehat n mingle with frens ;)