Thursday, October 8, 2009

it's a girl insyaallah ^_^

went for my 2nd checkup at Ar-Ridzuan with a specialist, and she asked,
"nak tau jantina ke tak?"
me and husband looked at each other. i replied,
"kalau dah boley nampak, ape salahnye.... "

she is now 25weeks old and measures about 13 1/2 inches ^_^

kol ibu, ayah, abah, umi... btau kate cucu mereka insyaallah a girl; sume pakat gelak. hehehe.....

lepas scan, saje pegi jalan2 tengok barang baju baby. husband sungguh2 takmo beli barang kaler pink; katanye takmo anak jadik gedik beso nanti. hahahaha......

bahagia.... knowing that she is healthy inside me.
bahagia.... knowing that she is loved by everybody.
bahagia.... when husband starts calling her by her name already ^_^

terima kaseh tuhan!

1 comment:

Chenta Qaseh said...

jgn sebut she or he..
seeloknye.sebut anak mama/umi (or watever u want) dh 25 weeks old.
jantina scan tu hny duniawi..yg tentukan sumenye Dia..