Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Alhamdulillah, I am blessed with a good life.
Yesteryears, at the moment and insyaallah in the future.

But there will always be time when I will not feel happy with myself.

My weekdays now are routines. Even weekends.
Routines that I know important to make sure everything goes well.

Routines, however, sometimes make me feel so dry.

I wanted to break away from the routine. But I can't. I won't.
Because I am afraid to disrupt the cycle that I myself build.

I no longer know myself.


Googled "How to make myself feel good about myself".
It has even come to that. Desperation. Sure?

Tried retail therapy.
It didn't last long.
In need of something else. New. Better. Fresh.

Putting people's priority before self bringing me down.
Isn't that the purpose of being a mother? A wife? A teacher?

Hope to recover soon.