Friday, May 18, 2007

she. he.

aku tak ley concentrate waktu klas error. bukan sebab kelas tuh wat petang, ataupon sebab subjek-nye busan. tapi sebab lecturernye.

ye. lecturer itu sendiri yang membuatkan akuh takley concentrate dalam klas dia. tp bukan sebab dia busan. atau cara dia mengajar the silibus. but because of her. literally her.

she, is a lecturer from "the runway". dressing so vogue from up-to-toe, and like angel she glides to the back of the class; talking about why error existed and should not be ignored. while she's doing her teaching, we [me & some frens] will concentrate on the way she wear herself that day, how her scarf will always match her dress, and realizes that she put on a new wedgie that day... quite a stalker huh? hehehe... ^_^"

itu dulu. tapi sekarang. i got a new target!
nore!!! tadi waktu kelas ustaz senyum. comel sangatttt!!!!!

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