Wednesday, October 15, 2008

you & me...

aku moody tetibe. just because of the brief chat.

tak. kitorang tak gadoh. no, nobody was hurt. tapi aku je yang rase macam down... pasal dah lame tak jumpe, dah lame tak berbicara...

yes... i know... she didnt intend to be so...
aku je yang poyo...

aku rase macam di-jauhkan. macam aku ade did something that cause her to discard me away....
aku rase sedey....

but, i am happy. for her. her BIG DAY is coming. her 'happy ending' is on the way...
alhamdulillah... congratulation dear ^_^

1 comment:

lassy said...

mmmm..macam tu gak la aku rase bile dengar ko tunang..dulu..isk isk isk..bukan tak hepi..sedey..huhuhu