Monday, September 7, 2009

i am...... still shy laa ^_^"

as planned, husband & i when for a scan-of-the-month. and since we're in Perak last weekend, we decided to check on the facilities available for maternity purposes at Pusat Rawatan Islam Ar-Ridzuan. just in case, kot2 laaa aku jadik bersalin kat ipoh ;)

smp je kat entrance, husband asked 'betui ke gini hospitalnye?' hehehe... gile kelakar! for those who didnt know, pusat rawatan islam kt ipoh neh bangunan nyer memang old-school, not like KPJ or other specialist available ^_^"

Contoh bangunan lama di Ipoh

i favours the place because my youngest sister was born at that particular hospital and the place was not as crowded as the others. husband tak kesah mana2 pon janji yg sambut baby nanti dokte pompuan & he could come in to (kununnyer) involve in the delivery process ;p *hehehe*

while waiting for my turn, husband asked;
'agak2 la kn, malam2 dok kat hospital ni scary tak? boley dengar tak bunyik kerusi roda ke.... orang menjerit tengah2 malam ke.... haaa'
aku yg mula ketakutkan pon menjawab;
'kompom le ade bunyik kusi roda, orang jerit2 suma... dah name pon hospital' *hehehe*

elok je smp turn, kami (me, husband & my two sisters) entered the Dr.'s room without delay. Aisyah (the youngest one) was even more excited than husband when the doctor told us that we can try to see the gender of the baby! *yeah*

selepas puas dokte melayan aisyah & her questions (mate dia yg mana dokte? kenapa jantung dia laju sangat gerak dokte?) we discovered this:

i am now 20 weeks old & 18cm long.
and that shiny line is my healthy & strong backbone!

instead of laying on his/her back, the baby decided to fool around and bertelingkup on top of the uri and makes it impossible for us to take a peek at his/her toot... anak ibu malu ye? *hehehe*

agak keciwa kerana tidak berjaya mengenalpasti janti bayi pada scan kali ni tp takpe..... bulan depan kite cube laei! ^_^

whatever it is, we are still blessed kerana bayi saye sihat & takde sebarang kompikasi alhamdulillah.... risaw mengingatkan kawan2 yang tumpah darah la, keguguran, rahim jatuh..... aduh! mintak jauh!

semoga segalanya diberkati & berjalan dengan lancar insyaallah... doakan!

sekian untuk kali ini.

saye saaaayang ibu sy! mmmuuuuaaahhh!

1 comment:

Nore said...

waaaaa..your baby's backbone...memang shining habihhh.