Tuesday, December 22, 2009

another 1 month to go! or not ^__^"

according to the ticker, i have about 30 more days to go. but according to my readings & people's experiences, i could easily given birth by the 36weeks or sooner *hoh*

happy. anxious. scared. excited. blur. tired.

i am currently 53kg. and according to the doc, my baby's weight at the moment is about 2.3kg. she predicted that by the time i (supposedly to) deliver, my baby should weigh around 2.7 or so... which is quite a relief. takut gak kalo tak larat nk meneran keluar nanti *eheh*

kepala bayi is already in position, cuma belom check-in lagi laa... *hehe* aku dah mula rajin ke bilek ayer for 'no 1 & 2' and dah mula rase Braxton Hicks suma.... dan sedang berjinak2 belaja to time contractions....

badan semakin berat. perut semakin berkilat. kaki semakin bulat. hehehe... tapi Tuhan memang Maha Kuasa.... walopon badan ku kecik, tapi baby alhamdulillah
sehat didalam *allahuakhbar!*

preparations have been made; hospital bags are already in the bonet, stemcell kit, sijil nikah... ape laei ek?

baby's stroller, car seat, breast pump, baby carrier... itu boley delay lagi, boley tunggu baby kuar dulu baru beli. pulak, ade salesperson kat JJ btau kate next year February ade BabyFair. menarik tuh ^__~

i am still working. and driving to work. but since it is still semester break, working here refers to: surfing the net, playing FB & pc games, mengulawing... u name it! ^__~

oh anakku, jangan kuat ngulaw mcm ibu ye? ^__~

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