Tuesday, July 10, 2018


My second-born is very different from my first.
Even their teachers said the same thing!

Although we do acknowledge their differences, she at times can be quite a handful! Emotionally!

Tak boleh orang silap cakap sikit. Tak boleh orang naik suara sikit.
Walaupun originally it was her who caused the commotion at the first place.

Her usual respond after being 'hurt' will always be - hentak kaki, tarik muka, nanges tak tentu pasal, kunci diri dalam bilik, tarik muka, and  many others.

Penat tau?
Dan haruslah aku takde daya dan kuasa nak melayan.

Thank God for the husband. Dialah yang akan jadi tukang pujuk-layan-tanya and settle it down. Walaupun kadangkala memang dia pun maleh nak pujuk dibiorkan aje kasi cool down katanya pfft


My husband and I had a little fight last night.

I don't know whether he purposely raised his voice to me or it was done unintentionally.
But, damaged has been done. My 'heart' was feeling hurt a bit. Still. Orang tengah syiok-syiok sembang tetiba naik suara dah kenapa pfft

And, this morning, he (as usual) apologizes first and tries to break the ice.
I am still quite mad. Hence the long face while making breakfast and all.

And before he's off, we will always kiss and cuddle. And me, being me, stiff as a log.

Then it hits me,
"Does my second-born got her kuat-merajuk-perangai from me?" or "Does she gets the perangai from observing me and her father?"

Jarang jugak aku buat perangai merajuk lama ni. Kebetulan tengah period, so lagi melayan laa si emosi.

Rugi tau merajuk lama-lama?
Nanti rindu, sapa jugak yang padan muka?? Pfft.

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