Tuesday, December 28, 2010

cakap orang, dia pun same ;p

i got a friend. who keeps telling people that how lonely she is... and how she is somehow desperate for a husband to keep her company *yadayadayada*

kesian gak laa... sebagai kawan, aku cuba mendengar dan memberi sepatah dua nasihat...
telinga gua pun jadik tak senang!

aku suh sabo, dia kate dia tak pueh hati. dok pertikai kenapa tuhan lambat bagi jodoh kat dia...
aku bagi suggestion suh mak ayah pilihkan terus, takmo. katenya belom desperate lagi ke tahap itu.
tapi, everytime kol aku dok suh aku kenenkan, kenalkan, carikan.... apekejadahnye??
and each time i did, she actually asked the guys directly to their face,
"awak rase... kite ni ada masa depan bersama tak?"
o m g


hanim di sweden. poeh di scotland.amrah di australia. syima & kerun hv been to half of europe. nadia & plane trips tidak dapat dipisahkan. pakude helmi's childrens are all over the world.


currently in port dickson. and the farthest i've been to was Thailand. itu pun waktu kekecik dulu.

sumpah aku tipu kalau aku kate aku tak jeles bila tahu ade kawan, sedara, even strangers dapat gi beronok-ronok ke negara orang.

iye, hujan emas dinegeri orang, best lagi hujan batu kat negeri sendiri. i admit that. tapi yelaa.... manusia mane penah reti bersyukur... tahu komplen je... (specifically me!)

i keep bringing this up, sampai aku pasti kak long aku tu pon dah mual. she keep repeating the phrase "your time will come" almost everytime i bring this to her. dan aku pasti, laki aku pon pasti stress pasal aku dok citer2 pasal orang tu pi sini laa, suami dia bawak pegi bercuti ke sane laa...

just so you know, aku bukan teringin nak travel sebab orang len travel. NO. i blame it all to myself, for been watching too much soapy movies about romantic cities like Verona, been reading all these comics & mangas that contributes to me wanting to go to Japan, Korea and all. not to forget, all the literature novels i've read throughout my study years and after...

being able to learn about other cultures thru books & movies are awesome. but to be able to experience them, is another. macam ko tengok food channel la. to be able to watch the chef prepares the food itself was mouth-watering, ini pulak kalo ko dapat peluang merasa sendiri makanan tersebut. pehh!!!!!


comes to think of it, aku ni pon same-dengan-je dengan kawan aku yang ceritakan kat atas tadi...

hanim kat sweden pasal rezqi pak dia koje sane. poeh pasal si jonny dia pon koje sane, warganegara Jerman plak tu. amrah sambung PhD. nad pasal laki dia koje sane. kerun & syima berhempas-pulas menabung baru merasa. anak2 pakude helmi pon masing2 bekerja keras untuk hidup di negeri orang...

sanggup dapat laki omputeh & terpakse dok jauh gile-gile dari family?
sanggup ikut laki keje ke obersee & again, nak balik raye pon berkira2?
sanggup lagi berhutang untuk belajar tinggi2 sampai PhD?
sanggup ke??

gaji sebulan pon sangkut, ade ati :P

tapi tak salah kalau DREAM BIG kan? *kembali berangan*


di rumah mertua.

ummi & abah dan 2 kali pegi haji. tak teringin pulak ke lepas ni ke Morocco ke, Jordon ke... saje, tengok negara tamadun islam??

buat ape? bazir duit je. baik pegi haji, menghadap Tuhan yang Maha Esa.

(amek kau! padan muke!)


engkorang dah daftar haji belum? aku dengan suami punye turn tahun 2036 nanti. itupun kalau belom mati ;p


dill said...

Adda, kadang-kadang impian menjadi pendorong utk kite lebih berusaha. Mana tau kan, tetibe dapat peluang menunaikan haji cepat dari jadual? Sungguh bahagia.

Lepas tu, singgah negara kat rantau Asia ni.

Insyaallah, Adda boleh ^^

syima said...

what u have, some people don't. i wanted to be married since 2 yrs ago but it's not time yet so instead i used my hard-earned saving for the trip..but trust me if it makes u feel better nothing compares to being in the comfort of your home with your husband. and trust me nnt ada rezeki, go with your husband, bukan ape sakit tulang belikat angkat bag besar ke sana ke mari..most of the times i was wishing i had a husband to help me with the bag! LOL! yes, and u are right about performing hajj before u go see other parts of the world..i realized that only after i reached KL, pity me! insyaAllah lepas ni, marilah menabung semula! :)

~$.!~ said...

isnt it normal... we always wish for things that we dont/cant have.. some yes, matters of time.. but some are just not meant to be.. so chill and be grateful.. and im telling this to myself too =)

Amrah said...

Mummy Sarah, lemme tell u this after 2 years of living overseas.

Sure, duduk sini best la gak. New experience la katakan. And dpt tgk tpt2 baru. On a whole it is nice, tp I always miss Malaysia. Everyday. Whatever it is, Melbourne is not home. And perhaps will never be home. Plus, duduk sini sorang2, kena independent, sakit takde org jaga, ada problem kena solve sendiri, hal2 rumah kena jaga sendiri, kadang2 takde kawan to even talk to. It is a lonely journey.

I'd love to have what u have now - a loving husband, a beautiful daughter. But right now, this is my life. I guess what's best for the both of us now is that we need to live our lives the best way we can! =D

wynn said...

dill: yes we can!! \o/

syim: tulaa... beza pandangan org muda n org yg lebih matang ni. yang muda tau mau enjoy saja, ingat mati kadang2 ^___^" mari sambung menabung!

ling: yup. be grateful. kite lebih berTUAH dari insan2 dinegara Islam yang lain :)

amrah: betul! aku tak cukup kuat nak tinggalkan family, itupasal tuhan bagi ko pegi dulu dok overseas. mungkin tahun depan turn ak ;p *sedapkan ati ekekekeke*