Wednesday, May 31, 2006

bukan teman dah & langsung tak mesra

nash_rae said:

"islam kan ada cakap, kita tak leh dgn sengaja tak bercakap kat sesaper [read:ppl we hate] lebih dr 3 ari.....ada consequence nyer.......mebe it takes ur part as well to jalinkan balik the frenship?"

not long after the fight, i did call an*s. just to make sure that we're still cool with each other and the frenship is still there. yet, time flies and so does 'us'....

there was this time when i really missed an*s. rindu sesangat sampai ke tahap tak kesah kalu he wanted to put all the blames on me. fine. maybe its my fault. all of it. as long as we're still frens. cause i really REALLY missed the frenship we had.

but, later on... dapat tau dari nijot:
"an*s ade je call akuh tapi dia pesan not to give his new number to you....".
and THAT is the time when i actually give up on him. titik.


men said...

ah hah..terharu plak komen di hilitekan ;)

hmmm.....well, sometimes ppl are just like that.

mean. titik.


wynn said...

hehe... guess ur rite. ^_^
