Friday, November 7, 2008

what a week

supposed to be a very easy week but turns out to be tense...

minggu ni dah start revision week so no more classes. no more teacher itu, teacher ini *yeay* but then i still have to finish marking their assignments & key-them-in (the carrymarks) into excel file.

my head of unit told me before not the be strict with the students since they are also our 'clients' so aku pon sesedap rase laa nak jadi santa clause by giving them quite-easy mark. bile everything is done, my 'head' told me to re-do ALL the marks for he thinks that the students did not deserve what they get. i'm like.. what the heaven??

yes. i know... i shouldnt be that generous but i just thought that they do deserve their 10-out-of-10 for its a very good groupwork. still, he's the 'head' and the head is always right!


i am blessed with A LOT of interviews & callbacks...
c!mb - worked for 3 weeks.
un!+! - got the job. and currently rollin'...
kpl! - suitable for the post but unfortunately they wanted those who graduated in 2007
u!a - underwent all 3 stages but then, no rejeki... yet.
uum - went for the sake of ayah & his 'cabels'

and yesterday, aku baru je poei interview SPP kat pol! pd and tak sempat nak perform aku dah direjek. y? bcos of my own mistake, my own stupidity. i failed to produce my original spm cert.

bodo kan?

cert tuh dah lama ilang. but since all other interviews tak timbulkan issue itu, aku pon keep delaying myself from getting the new one.

padan muke.

ayah frust gile. listening to his voice, aku betul2 rase macam a LOSER to him. gile down. knowing that he's angry at me for making the STUPIDEST action in life.... aku nk kol umah pon rase tak mampu. bile teringat je, nanges. odw balek umah drive keta, nanges. smp umah tgk sutera maya, nangeh. bukak 702 tgk the nanny, nanges.

ye. its my time of the month. but the fact that i failed him sudah mampu untuk membuat aku down sedown-down nyer...

my husband was out of town, training at shah alam. my frens are all over the country, far from me. my sister is 7, still a kid.

but there is always mum.... who will not be angry at her children no matter what...

i miss ibu.....

1 comment:

~$.!~ said...

ok...since when spm cert is so important esp when we have a degree and truly malaysian?

poli ape ni? bcos i have no idea...